In April 2023, Volunteering in America reported nearly 61 million Americans volunteered more than 4 billion of service hours in 2021. The economic value was $123 billion.
So, basically, people are helping others, even when or if we don't see it happening. Nearly 38 million Americans experience food insecurity. It takes a lot of volunteers to help source, collect, and distribute food. This is just one example of how people can get involved to help those who may be struggling due to job loss or other factors impacting income that enables families to put food on the table.
The fact is, everyone can do something. Young and old. And, helping others through volunteering or serving at your church can actually be healthy for you. Here are seven reasons why you should consider finding a passion that you can connect with to make a difference in the world:
Your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, volunteering is not only great for your physical health by keeping you active, but helping others is fantastic for your mental health because it engages your mind and helps you feel needed, plugged in, and connected to others who can truly benefit from your service.
Purpose. At some point in our lives, we all begin to question our purpose and are we making an imprint on this world. Volunteering can give you purpose when you see others benefit from the help you contribute.
Reduce stress. Who couldn't benefit from less stress? By shifting the focus to helping others, you obsess less about what may be troubling you and assess priorities.
Relationships. When you connect with others who share a similar passion or service interest, connections and friendships are made. This can help avert loneliness and give you something positive to look forward to.
Opportunity. Perhaps you have a unique talent, like sewing or woodworking, that would be helpful to a church, nonprofit, or school. What may come easy to you would incredibly bless a child, senior citizen, or other person who needs to know they matter. Your talent can provide an opportunity to someone who simply needs hope.
Pay it forward. When those in need see others helping and serving for no benefit other than to do good, there is a greater likelihood that those receiving the help will one day pay it forward. Your volunteering can show love in action and impact someone to also want to help others.
Humanity. During adversity, you may feel isolated and alone and as if no one else could ever understand what you're going through. By serving others, you show people the good in humanity. You shine like a light in a dark time.
At Button, there are many ways to get involved. You may be in a season of life when you are the one being served, and we are here for you if that is your situation right now. Or, maybe you've come out on the other side and want to give back because someone gave you a hand up. Regardless of where you are, Button can help connect you to services or how to serve others in the community. Check out our Outreach opportunities to learn more.